Short Story

Just after a holiday season, most of my neighbors complained about how they returned to a messy home, lifeless plants, and unhappy pets. This unpleasant experience of my neighbors gave me the idea to start my house-sitting app with services in which we care for their home, pets, plants and groceries while people can have a worry-free vacation. Our app provides services where users can simplify the process of re-adjusting into their home after a vacation.


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Project Name: House Sitting
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More Information:
Just after a holiday season, most of my neighbors complained about how they returned to a messy home, lifeless plants, and unhappy pets. This unpleasant experience of my neighbors gave me the idea to start my house-sitting app with services in which we care for their home, pets, plants and groceries while people can have a worry-free vacation. Our app provides services where users can simplify the process of re-adjusting into their home after a vacation.  


Just after the holiday season, most of my neighbors complained about how they returned to a messy home, lifeless plants, and unhappy pets. This unpleasant experience with my neighbors gave me the idea to start my house-sitting app with services in which we care for their home, pets, plants, and groceries while people can have a worry-free vacation. Our app provides services where users can simplify the process of re-adjusting into their homes after a vacation. We have house-sitters local to you that can be scheduled to tend to your house (and pets) while you are away.

With our app, we can provide trusted house-sitters local to you and your neighborhood.



How can you be sure that they’re trustworthy? Those people are more than likely living right in or around your town! Every house-sitter goes through a special process to ensure that they are the right person for the job.

You may be asking: How is our app different from other house-sitting apps?

We are unique as our app is able to reach customers in a specific area, providing a level of trust both the home owner and the house-sitter can have with each other. There is a trust factor between individuals who live in the same area, providing a safe zone for both people.

Your next question may be: How is our app scalable if it’s only meant to reach customers with house-sitters in the same area as them? Individuals around the world are able to purchase this app copy and run it in their own neighborhood or town. Profits from each house-sit will be distributed among the house-sitter, the owner of the app in that neighborhood, and the company itself.

This means the pricing is: 

  • Using my app for their Local Area: $650 + 5% commission on their sales for five years.
  • The base price is $20 dollars per day of house-sitting
  • Prices for each service can be found on my video demonstrating my app, found in this link (timestamp 00:01:10) Moonpreneur | House Sitting App

Our Future Plan:

Many customers requested more services to be provided such as the following; deep cleaning services, grooming appointments for the pets, pool cleaning, lawn care, meal prep, and assistance for senior citizens. Partnerships with third-party services can be implemented, and we can get paid to set up the appointments between the home owner and the services. These partnerships are intended for the future.

Our Team

I am Aditi Maurya and I am 13 years old. I believe that when you’re rewarding yourself with a well-deserved vacation, you should not have to worry about if your plants are slowly withering away in thirst, or if your pet isn’t receiving a sufficient amount of care from a pet-sitter doing the bare minimum. Having a trusted individual who can care for your house, plants, and pets should be accessible to you at any time for an affordable price. I know my app, House Sitting, will lift weights off of many people’s shoulders as they reward themself with a worry-free vacation.


Who is most likely to enjoy our product the most?: Frequent travelers will likely enjoy my product the most as they might need constant house care.

What is unique about us?: We are unique with our app as we provide a wide range of services that we can complete while house-sitting. We also heavily rely on trust, allowing both the homeowner and the house-sitter to feel secure involving themselves with house-sitting.

How do we understand customers’ needs?: On a wide variety of platforms, such as Yelp, users are welcome to review our app and their experiences. Every once in a while, customers will be asked about their experiences with the app when logged onto the app. This is not a required survey to fill out, however, it is a method we use to collect feedback from our homeowners.

House Sitting App:



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